Wondering how to stop the contents underneath your kitchen sink spilling out every-time you open the cupboard door? Well, you've arrived at the right place & with this sassy little guide on your side- it'll be under control in no time!

One thing I see in my work all the time is over-purchasing of cleaning products; leaving my clients with the challenge of having to home all of them. We start by separating products that are currently in use and organising them in a way that makes them easy to access. Then we contain the excess products separately to avoid confusion.
Organising underneath the kitchen sink doesn't have to be a mammoth task, it can be fun. And I promise that it will make daily life feel so much smoother to be able to open that cupboard and easily get to whatever you need without having its entire contents spilling out on you.
I know how precious your time is and I am in absolute respect of that, so let's jump to it and get onto five of my favourite products to help organise under the kitchen sink.
1. To maximise deep, empty spaces use: Vertical Shelving

Vertical shelving is a great way to utilise space in any cupboard and this one by idesign is just so chic. it's available for purchase in John Lewis here.
2. Use an all-in-one organiser

There are some amazing all-in-one under-sink organisers to fit any space these days. This one pictured is by Addis and is cleverly designed to fit around any exposed pipes with ease. Available for purchase through Dunelm.
3. Use pull-out drawers to keep items separate

Using stackable drawers are a great way to organise any space, simply because if you find you need to add anything in the future, then you can just keep building onto the system you already have rather than starting all over again. Considering details like this saves so much time and energy in the long run. Your time is so valuable, so it really pays off to take a moment to reflect on what could work best for you and your home.
This stackable drawer is available for purchase here. But can be found across the net, in a variety of colours, textures and styles.
Remember: your home is an extension of your energy field and whatever you choose to have within your home takes up time, space and energy. Choose wisely.
If you would like an expert to speak to about finding some solutions for your own unique lifestyle and home- book your free consultation with me today.
Love this post and thirsty for more? Why not try this post here on all things kitchen organisation.
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Sending you so much love!
