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I created A Seasonal Capsule Wardrobe and Here's What I Learned

Writer's picture: Suzie Diamond CainSuzie Diamond Cain

Chances are, if you've stumbled across this article, then you're curious about The Capsule Wardrobe. What is it exactly?

The Capsule Wardrobe is defined as being: a limited wardrobe of interchangeable clothing & accessory pieces that compliment one another.

The Rules

  • A Capsule wardrobe is created using between 30 & 50 items of clothing and accessories that can be mixed and matched seamlessly to create a variety of outfits and looks

  • This is created by first deciding on base colours, such as navy, black, white and beige

  • Then you add your accent colours, such as yellow, blue, green, pink, red, purple... remember that whatever colours you choose are supposed to mix and match effortlessly

  • Next pick a few prints to add some flair into your wardrobe - if you want to

  • create a weekly mock-up of classic pieces to mix and match: such as a classic jacket that will go with everything, a classic blouse, a pair of jeans, a classic tee, a neutral cardigan, a pair of flats that will enhance any outfit and a pair of heels that can take you from day to night with ease

  • It has been said by many who teach the rules of the Capsule Wardrobe that a Capsule Wardrobe should be one that you use all year round

My Experience

I decided to dive straight in and begin decluttering my winter wardrobe. I have a seasonal wardrobe, so currently my spring/summer wardrobe is hanging up ready to wear and all my autumn/winter stuff is packed away. I recently decluttered my spring/summer wardrobe using my own unique method. It's literally awesome. My wardrobe is now only full of clothes that I actually wear, which is honestly - mostly gym wear and work clothes. It made me sad at first to clear out all my printed pencil skirts and going out dresses after having my daughter 5 years ago, but honestly? They belonged to an old version of me who was gone. And my keeping the clothes was a process of grieving for the old life that I had. That's the thing about clutter, it represents a part of ourselves, an idea, or a part of history that we are struggling to let go of. Our environment is a mirror. I learned this a long time ago... and have been helping friends and family clear out their own clutter for decades, so I shouldn't have been surprised to get myself all geared up for a mass decluttering session, only to get my box of winter clothes out and open it to see that... well, there wasn't actually much to declutter.

Initially, I felt a little disappointed (yes, I know it may seem strange to some but I get a kick out of decluttering something I don't need!) But then I realised... I've been living with my own version of a capsule wardrobe for a long time. I just hadn't noticed. Here's why: because I've been making my own rules about what works for me in my wardrobe. And I haven't been counting the items. So...

  • Is my wardrobe full of interchangeable, timeless & classic pieces? Not really...

  • Is my wardrobe one that can carry me through all seasons? Again, no...

  • Is my wardrobe carefully counted to be within 30-50 items, including accessories?

  • Is my wardrobe full of neutrals and 1-3 accent colours that all go?

  • Does my wardrobe contain prints that go with anything in my wardrobe?

No, no & no...

See, the thing is, my wardrobe has already been decluttered, scrutinised and analysed carefully by me. It has been purged of anything I don't wear by me. A wardrobe that fits my own unique lifestyle has already been meticulously created by me. So, why did I think that following somebody elses rules were going to enhance my life?

The Verdict

The Capsule Wardrobe has many pros, it can save time, energy and money. It can help to heal our relationship with consumerism and create space for focus on other things in our life, things that really matter. It can also invited us to really learn what clothes we really wear. Why we wear them and to playfully explore a medium in which to express ourselves through.

But is it necessary to throw away all our summer pieces and create one, year-long wardrobe only? In my view, this just doesn't work for a woman in the UK...

And is counting the items you own really necessary to maintain a minimal wardrobe? Again, no...

Let me tell you a little secret: I haven't even counted the items I have in mine! (Don't go reporting me to the CWP - Capsule Wardrobe Police!) Bc I know every single item I own is an item that I love, cherish and wear regularly. I'm known amongst friends for being a bit like Monica from friends, but also a bit quirky in that I might turn up to meet you for lunch on Wednesday in a ballgown... because here's the thing: I have owned so many beautiful pieces of clothing over the years, that I see wearing an outfit I bought for a wedding just once as a waste. If I bought and wore it, it's because I really loved it. So, why not wear it again?

Again, it goes back to rules... who makes the rules for your wardrobe? Who makes the rules for what you wear? For what you love? And for how you choose to spend your time? If the answer is anyone other than you, then my friend, you're not living the life you deserve.

Contact me today for your free consultation to discover how I can help you create your own rules in your home and life.

And if you're thirsty for more right now, then head over to my post on all things wardrobe organisation.

I hope you enjoyed this post! What part of this resonated with you the most?



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